61 YEARS ???
The 61st reunion for East High 1958 will be held on July 19th, 2019
WHERE? The Lake Windsor Country Club, Windsor Wisconsin.
WHEN? JULY 19, 2019
TIME? Come at Noon, Socialize, We will eat at 1:00 P.M.
COST? $20.00 (includes 1 drink per person). Pay at the door, no pre-pay
FOOD? See Menu below
It is SO important that we know HOW MANY will be attending. We have to know how many will
Additionally, the Food Committee needs to know if you have any special dietary needs.
Cost : $20.00 per person and includes one drink (Pay at the door, no pre-pay.)
Please let us know if you would like to donate a door prize !! (Gift Cards to restaurants are always appreciated!)
Round tables will seat 8 and each table will have a snack bowl and centerpiece
When you sign in, you will be given a colored paper designating which entre you will be served.
be in your party. We are unable to deal with "maybe yes, maybe no" as we get closer to
final planning. So, please be specific !
Respond to:
Feats of Remaining Strength
50-foot Limping Race
Salad Bar High Hurdles
Walker demolition derby
Aches and Pains, Fact or Imagination
Foundation Garments pros and cons
Metamucil or not?
Comb-Overs, Are they worth it?
This is it!! We made it this far!!
Time: Come at Noon, socialize and we will eat at 1:00
Dessert will be furnished by the class.
(Meals will be plated, not buffet-style)
And we will have CUPCAKES
For committee planning purposes we need to know how many are coming (This is SO important!):
We will be sending out a separate email to firm up the list of who's planning on being there.
We are trying to set up transportation for those who don't drive. If you need help or can help with that
PLEASE let us know. Email
Note: It is VERY important that you keep us up-to-date on
both your mailing address and any changes to your e-mail address.
(People are always "falling through the cracks") Please send contact information
Thanks, John
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